Bryan Tamada

Bryan Tamada

Software Engineer | iOS Developer | RPi2 Hobbyist

About Me

I began my journey into software development as a Web Developer and Designer by tinkering around with banners, wallpapers and forum signatures. Furthermore, I have personal and e-commerce websites for friends and small business owners utilizing popular web technologies. When Web Development became stale (...before JavaScript was a thing and made Web Development exciting again) I took my career in another direction by obtaining a formal education in Computer Science where I learned object-oriented programming languages. With these newly acquired skills I was able to create dynamic, interactive web and mobile applications. My recent professional experience was spent at IBM Security as a Staff Software Engineer developing their Identity and Access Management software. These days I am currently working on developing my iOS app, DokoDemo, which helps users find all Japanese-related events, food and news in their local area. I also recently took on a full-time job in Silicon Valley as a Software Engineer and have been actively learning Python and Django.

Latest Projects

Nulab Cacoo API

Nulab Cacoo API

A server-side application that calls the Cacoo API.

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Making hunting for foreigner-friendly housing in Japan easier.

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2016 Presidential Election Webapp

2016 Presidential Election Webapp

Statistics on the candiates running in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Coming Soon!

project name

White Elephant Game

The infamous White Elephant Game known for being played during the Christmas holiday.

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project name

Message Decipherer

A server that deciphers your secret messages into plain, human-readable text.

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Work Experience

Software Engineer - 23andMe (2016 - Present)

● Automation testing, CI integration, cross-browser testing, build testing and recovery, test output validation

Founder - DokoDemo (2016 - Present)

● I do it all! I am the software architect, project manager, software engineer, tester, designer, sales/marketing, and video producer for the YouTube channel.

Staff Software Engineer - IBM Security (2014 - 2016)

● Building the automation test suite single-handedly for the Data Integrator using Selenium WebDriver and Java PL.
● Led a small team of four through 9 successful releases of our Data Integrator project, which impacts thousands of users from customers at large companies such as AT&T and Costco.
● Created multiple virtual machine templates stored on the VMware ESXi Server used by more than 20 internal customers for expediting developer and tester environment setup.
● Developed 5 BASH scripts to simplify the process of starting and stopping the Data Integrator server instance, its assembly lines and monitoring assembly lines.
● Developed more than 10 BASH scripts for internal customers to automate the process of running/terminating middleware.
● Led the fix pack development effort for our Identity Management product while the developer was on leave.
● Discovered 7 legacy bugs within 2 months of joining the development team.

Product Management Intern - IBM (2013 - 2014)

● Created 23 mockup web application demos using popular web technologies and photo editing software to mimic the real software product.
● Created powerpoint slides to demonstrate the features of select software products.
● Developed use cases for our sales and marketing teams to demonstrate to practical customer scenarios.
● Collaborated with the Software Architect to gather customer requirements and understand business goals for constructing software product use cases.

Web Developer - DaVinci Business Graphics (2012 - 2013)

● Converted an existing web application to support mobile devices such as the iPad and iPhone.
● Implemented a driver program using C# that integrates with their existing web application to detect end users' browsers and devices using CSS Media Queries.